Thursday, September 27, 2007

Color of the Season

Pumpking stem
I pulled up along the pumpkin and gourd laden stand at 101 and Valley Hi shopping center. It was early, the stand was closed, but the morning light was friendly.
Next to the stand was parked one of the ubiquitous orange First Student buses, marked "Clean". On adjacent, dismantled Highway 101, were rows of orange construction cones. The displays were filled with orange pumpkins. Orange.
I wandered amid the golden hay stacks, pumpkins and flowers taking pictures. Here is one.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Stonehenge at Chowen's Corner

Historic Chowen's Corner

Like Minoan ruins, a small maze of cement blocks and rough metal rods rests in an escavated pit at the corner of Northome Boulevard and Minnetonka Boulevard. It looks archeological. - Well, the ancient Celts did not have this technology, but the name of the Developement Company is Stonehenge, so I thought I would run with it. Soon a lovely brick office building will arise on this historic Deephaven Corner.
Stonehenge Developement advertises that space will be available "late fall", with up to 13,000 square feet. Underground parking.

Note: Across the street another existing office complex (viewed in the background of the photo) has a "For Sale or Lease" sign prominantly posted.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Autumn leaves

Autumn leaves

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Holiday Station Wayzata Boulevard

Holiday Wayzata

It is 6:40am. Raining. My VW Turbo takes premium only. Today it is 2.92 a gallon. I fill up.
The song over the PA - Walk Away Renee, by The Left Bank.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Free Range Milo... Yes, He's a Pit Bull.

Free Range Milo
I met Milo and his owner outside the Minnetonka Community Center on Sunday. Milo is loveable, athletic, and well... just a little pal. He is a mix of American Bulldog and English Bulldog. Yes, A Pit Bull.
Let's stress the humane and ethical treatment of raising and caring for animals.
Go Milo! A little photo fun, this photo is a composite of 2 of my own shots, the background is St. Boni.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

A Spiderous Tale

My spider

I awoke to my wife's (3am) screams of alarm. "Ahhhhhhh!"
"What is it?" I said startled, half awake and expecting the worst.
"There!" She pointed directly to the low, white ceiling above the bed. "SPIDER"
Sure enough,there above our bed, motionless was a very menacing spider that did not posses the charm or dancing abilities of a "Daddy Long Legs". It had a stretched out circumference of just less than a penny (estimates may vary).
My wife exited the room, with our 2 dogs, and slammed the door.
This is my lot in life as a husband/domestic defender. Removing insects, and disposing of dead mice.
I grabbed a Kleenex, and posed for the capture. This is where I went wrong. It is better to risk bad Karma with a killing blow than to attempt the live catch and release. I made my cat-like attempt, only to see the black arachnid spin wildly through the TV lit night air and vanish above our bed.
What to do?
I waited....and searched for 30seconds, not enough to arouse supicion of my wife. I decided to take the risk. I loudly declared victory and ran downstairs with an empty Kleenex to throw out the back door.
We went back to sleep uninterrupted. My Karma was simultaneously saved and blemished in the order of the universe.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Wayzata Goes to the Dogs

At the Dachshund races

Dachshund Races - everybody loves them, even kids with chicken pox.
There aren't many sausage-based jokes the Dachhshund owners haven't heard. One guy even had a doggie blanket shaped like a bun with ketchup.
- The hot dog stand did a steady business.
- Upstaging my modelesque Sheltie, the little weiner dogs stole the crowds attention.
A gathering of over a thousand, dogs not inlcuded, attended this very well managed event. And every race had its own little drama. The event was just plain fun!
"Otto" the little dog that claimed to have "German engineering" did very well. Bailey took a second place, and Buckley was just a spectator. These are only a few of the many miniatures, longhairs and wire haired Dachshunds that I met at this annual extravaganza.
Next year I am bringing a lawn chair, and coming early.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Suited up

Dachshunds races

Dachshunds - Ready, set, go!

Dachshunds races

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Apple Days In Excelsior September 8

apple 4103
Saturday September 8th.
OK, it is a Washington State Apple. - Is the apple half eaten, or did I find half a worm?

Apple Day vendors include antiques, crafts and farm produce. See James J. Hill Days then double up with Apple Days.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Dachshund Races @ James J. Hill Days

Here are some details about the Dachshund Races - Fundraiser for the Wayzata Chamber of Commerce:
Time: Saturday, September 8, at 1:00pm
• Cost per dog/entrant is $35.00
• There is a $5.00 per entrant dog costume contest (the dogs wear the costumes).

You can find more details on the Wayzata Chamber of Commerce Web Site.
See you there, I will have my Sheltie (Toonie) and beloved Mutt (Rocky).

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Minnesota Fish - DNR State Fair Sign

For the fishermen