My snowfall estimate last Friday.....
Featuring personal photos of the Lake Minnetonka Area and things of interest to the author.
Previous bridge: The current bridge over Vinehill Road will be rebuilt this year in order to accomodate (hold up) to the heavier traffic. As you can see in the past the bridge was built for horses, carts and the occasional Model T.
It has been a season of demanding walking and running along the Lake Minnetonka Trail. My 3-4 times a week walks at 5am (which pale to my wife’s dedicated daily treks) have continued to yield results. Minus 25 lbs. But it is not without confronting the pain of temps dipping to 17 below zero - on my coldest outing. To most peoples' surprise, walking is harder than running. Running creates a little warming engine, inside layers of themal underwear, hoodies and thinsuate. Still the experience makes each day a bit challenging, but a fuller experience. As the winter fails to fade, the trail on this Sunday was unusually void of fellow travelers.
I took this photo a few years ago, but the scene was the same last year. This year it is a different story. I wander the roof like an off season Santa with a shovel, removing the snow and trying to keep it clear till Spring. I haven't lashed myself to the chimney yet, but it seems like a reasonable concept.
1963 A book of music cost $1.95. Peter Paul and Mary - a somewhat manufactured folk trio, were all the rage. AM radio. The 50s folk influence filled with Marxist under currents... some not so under, set the stage for the 60s music revolution. Phil and Don set a lot of the musical format and Pete Seegar, Woody Guthrie set the political tone. "Tax the rich, feed the poor, till there are no - rich no more". 10 Years after. Hardly Supply Side economics.
A one way street. The footprints leading out to the "fishing village" on Carson's Bay had no return tracks. The village itself has beaars little resemblance to the "ice houses" of yesterday. Many are supplanted trailer homes for the new breed of ice fisherman. I did not go out and take photos. I followed a one way set of foot prints to the edge of the marina took a couple shots, and called it a day. The footprints went one way, and I went the other.