Pointing inward. Carson's
Featuring personal photos of the Lake Minnetonka Area and things of interest to the author.
I will be taking photos from a spectator's point of view this year. Stop into this site and take a look, I will finally be able to post from home (after our grand move).
This following shot was taken on the fly - in other words I was on my bicycle while I took it. Not a recommended procedure.
The year was 2007.
When I stopped by on Saturday, Water Street was a bit empty, but it was early. I strolled along, and passed a lot jeans with beaded pocket on street racks. Not quite me. I took a few photos as I rummaged through the sale racks trying to find that perfect T-shirt that said "I have an attitude" - for under $10 dollars.
This is not the main building. But outdoor seating should feature some Cajun cousine
Congratulations Lagos Tacos!... But I can say no more, I have not dined at LT.
It was a beautiful day form the very start! It was a beautiful day, a perfect one aesthetically, for a July 4th Road Race. The race crowd was large, (perhaps 2,000 my estimate) and boisterous. The waves of runners curllllllled out of the school parking lot and headed through the streets of Excelsior. Some pretty good times were posted by the runners, considering the basic havoc at the finish when both 5K and 10K runners clamour down the same street and end in the same chute. - A sign about a quarter of a mile before the finish telling the runners to stay on the left or the right, according to their race, would have been a big help. Two cars park diagonally across the road at the finish were not helpful for the runners or the spectators. Such is road racing.
Port of Excelsior. I will be taking a few digital shots, weather permitting, on this (projected) very cool 4th of July. The will be posted shortly after.
From the Neenah website: "Located in Neenah, Wisconsin, Neenah Foundry is a supplier of municipal castings including manhole frames, lids and grates, trench castings, decorative tree grates, to name a few. Since 1872, Neenah Foundry has been a consistent leader in producing durable castings that are used across the country." I have seen a lot of Neenah.