Friday, December 31, 2010

2011 on my mind

2011 on my mind
A little bit surly, and not too early, wishing you my yearly: Happy New Year.
This post will self-distruct in 24 hours.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Thin red stripe

The snow sails are coming

Monday, December 27, 2010

A Hippo Thermia encore.

hippo thermia
A Blue Hippo repost.
The snow has melted slightly, leaving my roof rimmed with ice dams and foreboding. The icecicles of early December carry the weighty stalactites of late December and, God help me, January.
Slipping and sliding through February - It will become a forced March.
The is driveway already a narrow hallway to the garage door, and I have hit the garage door.
I need a Blue Hippo. And a shoulder ice pack.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Bell Ringer Willie

Bell Ringer Willie
Ringer #508 As seen in Wayzata. Willie talked me into upping my donation, because they were tripled on Thursday. Best wishes to Willie and the Salvation Army!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Take the Lake Minnetonka Polar Plunge.

This a note to Minnetonkascenes readers. I will again be covering the Lake Minnetonka Polar plunge.
2009 Polar plunge
2009 day 1 file photo

Check The Bayview Center for details of the event. From their web:
"The annual Lake Minnetonka Polar Bear Plunge at Bayview Event Center (2011) is the place to be New Years Day (if you’re still drunk, or hung-over from the previous nights activities)…
The 2011 ALARC Ice Dive will be held on January 1, 2011 at the BayView Center, 687 Excelsior Blvd, Excelsior, MN."

The event can be an exercise in virility or insanity according to the side of the couch you sit on... and of course the frigid weather. (One year, just watching, it was so cold I warmed myself with an icicle).
I will be the guy with the low rent digital camera, struggling to get between the Alphabet News cams as they present "The Laughing Morning News". I post pictures same day with my inimitable editing, for that internet immediacy.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Old Log Theater Scene Shop

The Old Log theater
The Old Log Theater scene shop
I have walked by, run by, biked by...and even, as a youth attended performances at the "Old Log Theater". I believe the play I saw is one that is currently in revival around the area and around the country; "Once Upon A Mattress".

I borrowed this from wikipedia:
"The Old Log Theater is the oldest professional theater in the state of Minnesota. It is sometimes cited as the oldest continuously operating professional theater in the United States, although other much older theaters such as the 200-year-old Walnut Street Theatre in Philadelphia would seem to have a stronger claim to that title."

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Bret Favre will be unnavailable to direct Target Field snow removal efforts.

Due to recent shoulder surgery, Quarterback Bret Favre will not be able to assist in the snow removal efforts at Target Field. Also Backup quarterback - The "T Jack" will also not be unable to attend due to a contract issue. The third string quarterback, name undisclosed, will be on site to direct quality control(ie: you missed a spot) and emphasize the importance of a clean playing surface.

This taken from the Golden Gophers web site:

The Ice men

"University of Minnesota Athletics announced Wednesday afternoon that individuals interested in helping shovel snow and clear sections at TCF Bank Stadium will be paid for their work.

Temporary staffing agencies will be on site to sign up workers as long as they are needed to help clear the facility of snow in preparation for Monday night's Vikings-Bears game."

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Toonie, the Shetland Sheep Dog in her element.

Toonie requests

Photographed through a window, Toonie would like to have company in the outdoor excitement.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Restricted parking

snow blower
Children's Park - Cottagewood

Comfort in a storm

Traditional Lefse

Among all the snowy photos, I offer this comfort shot. Lefsa.
Well, my other comfort food seems to be Advil. Low on calories, one bottle of Advil provides comfort of a sort. I will be posting my frigid shots later today. For those of you in warmer climates these photos will also provide you with a sadistic comfort.
I tried to take photos yesterday, only to find white-out conditions. So as the sun breaks out and the temperatures plunge, I will try again. Stay tuned.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Icicles on my back porch

back porch on ice

Friday, December 10, 2010

Winter's coming on!

surfin F

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Counting Counties

Lake Minnetonka touches two counties. Hennepin County and Carver County. I discovered the Smithtown Bay, Carver County connection while researching Captain Jonathon Carver, a British explorer (born in Connecticut).
I noticed the sharp line Carver County cuts on it's Northern border. Not a natural line,but an arbitrary one decided by a politician or a surveyor.
I do not know... yet.
So how did Minnesota, a State of perhaps 5,000 people in 1850 come to be dividedinto so many counties? I have taken this from the Association of Minnesota Counties:

"When Minnesota became a territory in 1849 its territorial governor, Alexander
Ramsey, proclaimed that the same laws as those existing in Wisconsin would govern the new Minnesota Territory. This, combined with the fact that much of
the migration to Minnesota came through Wisconsin,caused the development of both strong county and town forms of government as had been the case in
Wisconsin, New York and Michigan. The first Minnesota counties were Benton, Isanti, Ramsey Wabasha, and Washington established on October 27, 1849. Three other counties, Mankahto, Pembina and Wahnata were created by Laws 1849 but there is no historical evidence to indicate that they were ever organized - or abolished. Fifty-seven of the present 87 counties were established during the territorial period which ended in 1857. Lake of the Woods County was the last one established in Minnesota. It was created by popular vote from territory that had been part of Beltrami County."

What was/is the thinking behind creating and maintaining 87 separate counties?

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

The Easybeats - Friday on my mind

Monday, I slipped into the past. And Ear worm. A song from an Austrlian band in the 60s began to run through my mind.
Friday on my Mind

Monday morning feels so bad,
Ev'rybody seems to nag me
Coming tuesday I feel better,
Even my old man looks good,
Wednesday just don't go,
Thursday goes too slow,
I've got Friday on my mind


Gonna have fun in the city,
Be with my girl she's so pretty,
She looks fine tonight,
She is out of sight to me,
Tonight....I spend my bread,
Tonight...I lose my head,
Tonight...I got to get tonight
Monday I have Friday on my mind.

Do the five day drag once more,
Know of nothing else that bugs me
More than working for the rich man,
Hey I'll change that scene one day,
Today I might be mad,
Tomorrow I'll be glad,
I've got Friday on my mind,

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Looking out toward Big Island

A cold walk

Friday, December 03, 2010

The orange fence

The orange fence
Friday afternoon, and a winter storm is moving in. In the distance is Ferguson's Point and a hazy Big Island. We will see what tomorrow brings.

diagonal point
Excelsior Bay gray.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Minnetonka and the skids


Winter 1850s

Sleigh Ride - Currier & Ives
Currier & Ives

Early winter