Monday, September 22, 2008

Maynards: A Cuban Sandwich made me do it.

Sunday. We left Maynards, stuffed. I had just polished off a Cuban Sandwich, 4 cups of strong coffee and a fudge sundae (on the appropriate day no less). My fingers were swelling. My heart pounding with sugar infusion.
As we (my wife and I) walked toward our "plush"(read old) Dodge Minivan, I noticed the bicycle rack outside. A neat row of coralled bicycles with carry-packs perched above the rear wheels. I smile. As a seasoned touring bicyclist I am in firm belief that riding weight should sit low on the bicycle, not on the back of the rider.

I pointed and blurted out, quite loudly "Now 'that' is the way to carry things on a bike, not strapped on with a fricken back pack".
I turned and looked to the side to see a middle aged man, quite aware of my comment, pulling a large back pack on over his shoulders"
I re-affirm by my statement, but not my social skills.


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