Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Morel or Morrel - a fungus by any other name....


Perhaps you have come to this site searching for the Morel Mushroom, armed with a brown wicker basket, spade, and an umbrella hat. Perhaps....

The elusive Morel is spelled with only one "R". An archive of this site has a post with the name spelled "Morrel". This common mistake has googled many a visitor to this site. I will retain the mispelling. I apologize, unless you are one of the people who refer to mushrooms as "shrooms", then no aplology is in order (don't even mention the use of the term "veggies" for vegetables).

The word is out that Morel hunting will be fruitful in May along the Mississippi, near the old downed hardwoods in Carver County. Stay tuned for my woodland report.


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